IOSH Managing Safely
IOSH Managing Safely Certificate trains the manager to apply sound management principles to safety and health issues as part of a total management strategy.
ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management
An excellent starting point for training in Management; this course is designed to lead the candidate gently through management practice.
Mapped to National Occupational Standards A2, B6, D6, E6, B11, C2, C5, C6, D1, D3, D7, E1, F1, F6, F8 (Depending on modules chosen)
CIEH Level 3 Award in TSP - Training Skills and Practice
This qualification is aimed at those who want to develop practical training skills and is the minimum requirement for anyone wishing to register to deliver CIEH qualifications in food safety, health and safety and environmental protection without public funding - for example, in the workplace.